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Blog87: Foods that protects you against pollution

With the increasing perils of widespread pollution all over the city, it is important to fortify yourself from within. The air we breathe has reached dangerous levels of pollution. People with no known respiratory problems are landing up in hospital emergency rooms. A little change in your diet can reverse the damage of air pollution. Load up on these powerful food & nutrients to combat the effects of air pollution:
1. Holy Basil (Tulsi): Every Indian household has a Tulsi plant in their courtyard. However, if you have not got one yet, you should get it for your family. You can drink Tulsi concoction every day to prevent the pollutants messing up with the respiratory tract of your body. Diabetes and tulsi.
2. Neem: An anti-pollutant herb, neem absorbs pollutants and detoxifies the body. Boil some neem leaves in water and use this water to gargle and wash your face and hair. It will clean your skin. Consuming 3-4 neem leaves twice a week will also improve your blood circulation, and purify the breathing system. Why more veggies?
3. Vitamin C: Adequate vitamin C in our daily diets is crucial for maintaining its level in the lungs. Adults need 40mg of this vitamin/day. Vegetables like coriander leaves, chaulai ka saag, drumsticks, parsley, cabbage and turnip greens are good sources that you should load up on. Add citrus fruits in your diet that rich in vitamin C like Indian gooseberry (amla), oranges and guava.  The easiest way to get your daily dose of vitamin C is to include the juice of 1-2 lemon in your daily diet. What makes a food superfood?
4. Pomegranate juice: There is abundant benefits of pomegranate. As we all know it  is known to purify blood and is also a brilliant cardio protective fruit. Drink pomegranate juice to purify your blood. Are you eating fruits in a wrong way?
5. Triphala: Pollution creates an imbalance in Tridosha. It is the job of Tridosha to help in the creation of various types of tissues and remove any unnecessary waste product from the human body. In addition, it influences all sensory functions, movements, and other activities in the body. You can have triphala with jaggery or honey in the morning with an empty stomach. Health benefits of Triphala.
7. Turmeric & Ghee: Turmeric is a well-known antioxidant and is said to help protect the lungs from the toxic effects of pollutants. Mix turmeric and ghee to relieve cough and aid during asthma. Health benefits of golden milk. 
8. Long Pepper (Pippali): It is one such super herb that is known for purifying the lungs. Take a 1/4th teaspoon of ginger, 1/4th teaspoon of turmeric and 1/8th teaspoon of pippali powder. Add 1 tbsp. of honey. Consume it with warm water. Do this for one week. This concoction shouldn’t be given to infants. Spoon of spices.
9. Home cooked foods: Eat simple home cooked food instead of eating out. Use herbs and spices like tulsi, mint, black  pepper, carom seeds, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg etc.; while cooking. Add some basil in your regular cup of tea. Super healthy herbs.

Apart from the above foods and nutrients, do steam also. As we all know steam provides moist air, which soothes the breathing airway as well as loosens congestion and removes irritants from the throat and lungs. However, aromatherapy steam works magic in the treatment of a dry cough. Add 5-10 drops of eucalyptus oil and take the steam for 5 minutes once a day.
A healthy body is needed to overcome any adversity. In addition to food, 15-30 minutes of exercise, pranayam for the lungs and adequate rest will help you immensely.

That's all for today.. hope you like it. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and like my Facebook page. See you soon.

Thank You!!


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