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Showing posts with the label #healthy

Blog18: Bitter Sweet Treat: Dark Chocolates

CHOCOLATES...OMG!! Whenever I think about chocolates  my taste buds get active and my saliva starts rolling. I guess it’s the same with everyone of us. From the time we start understanding our taste buds, chocolate is the most common food we crave for and this craving continues even as we age. People have different choices in chocolates such as milky, cadbury, liquor-filled chocolates, dark chocolate, candies, bars etc. But in all these Dark Chocolate is the most nutritious. In 100 grams bar, it contains 50-70% cocoa and 11 grams of fibre. It also has plenty of iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. However, one should consume it in moderation. Dark chocolate no longer has to be the forbidden fruit! Next time you indulge yourself to a piece of creamy dark chocolate, don’t feel so guilty. Researchers have found that this bittersweet treat is a tool for good health!     The latest studies, find that dark chocolate may decrease the risk of ca

Blog15: 10 Healthy Eating Habits for Your Child

Good health is not an overnight achievement. It is the outcome of good habits that one follows since early ages or childhood.  Developing good eating habits for kids involves a variety of strategies. Here is how to guide  kids to a lifetime of healthy eating. D evelop these healthy habits in your children and they will be well setup to become a healthy adults.   1 . Become a role model. Don't act like it is a sacrifice to eat low fat foods. 2 . Don't keep unhealthy treats in the home.  3 . Don't make separate meals for the overweight child. It will only make the child feel isolated. 4 . Never use food to punish or reward a child. Giving a child a sweet as a reward will lead a child to believe that it has more value than other foods. 5 . Discourage meals while watching TV. 6 . Have designated eating areas in the home. 7 . Recommend but don't dictate. Offer a variety of healthy choices and help your child to develop his or her own sense of tast

Blog13: Tips To Remember During Exams!!

Exam week is probably the most stressful period of the semester for many of you, but, did you know that proper nutrition can decrease your stress? It’s true! Here are some suggestions on how proper nutrition can help reduce your stress while you’re preparing for finals: •Eat breakfast! It will make you more energized and more able to withstand a long day. In addition, it will begin your day with a more positive attitude. Make sure you have a balanced, healthy diet. Stress can weaken your immune system, increasing your possibility of getting sick, which will increase your stress level. •Proper nutrition can help you fight viruses! Carry a snack like fruit, murmura or a protein bar with you. •It  is important that your blood sugar doesn’t get low, as it will increase stress and make you irritable. •Do not skip meals. Your body needs regular meals, as it keeps you energized, focused, and less stressed. •Focus on eating foods that stimulate positive emotions. Certain fo

Blog8: Healthy Colours: Importance of fruits in your diet

Different colours indicate different nutrients. Try to get a little of each colour in your diet. So without any further delay let's get started. Red fruits such as pomegranate,watermelon and strawberries are rich in antioxidants, anthocyanins and lycopene. Green fruits like kiwi i t's also full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber. Orange and yellow fruits  are rich in beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, which improves your eye sight and keep your skin, teeth and bones healthy. Oranges are rich in vitamin C that helps to maintain weight, blood pressure, diabetes and also good for skin. White fruits like pineapples, apples, bananas and pears are high in dietary fibre, flavanoids and antioxidants. These fruits protect you against high cholesterol and lower the risk of stroke. Blue and purple fruits  like blueberries, jamun and falsa cont

Blog6: Why more veggies??

Vegetables help your body in a variety of ways, which just doesn’t leave you room to say “no thanks” . To begin, they contain many vital vitamins and minerals that your body needs for proper functioning. Vitamin A, which keeps your eyes healthy and helps your body prevent infection, is abundant in many veggies. In addition, Potassium, which can help to keep your blood pressure within a normal, healthy range, is also common. Other nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, fiber, and folate are rich in vegetables. Veggies help you in more ways than just providing vitamins and minerals, as they also provide protection from certain cancers, decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, and help to maintain your weight.  The fiber in vegetables is broken down into short chain fatty acids by gut bacteria, which then nourishes   your gut and beneficial bacteria. Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli have been shown to have cancer fighting abilities. Leafy greens like kale