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Blog12: Stop Over Eating Today

Excess of anything is bad. This old proverb is a guide for doing any thing in moderation. It helps us to live a balanced life. Did you know eating excess can be equally dangerous as junk food. Overeating healthy foods may also harm your system in many ways. Overeating may lead weight gain,increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. When obesity is the result of overeating, you're also at an increased risk for certain types of cancer, gallbladder disease, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. You might also develop high blood pressure, which can contribute to an elevated risk of having a stroke.
No matter what type food it is, you must be aware of the portion size. Anything in excess will only add on to the body fat making you gain weight. For people who are looking to lose weight, this piece of information may be helpful for you. Here are some foods that you should definitely not overeat:
Protein Rich Food: Proteins are deemed as the building blocks of tissues, cells and hormones, without which the body cannot function. Too much protein can put excessive strain on the digestive system, especially the kidneys that are responsible for eliminating the nitrogen waste products from the blood. So, if you are loading up on proteins, you may be inviting problems.
Fruits: Fruits are delicious and super-healthy; thanks to the presence of several vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidant pigments and phytochemicals that reduce the risk of various health hazards, only if eaten in moderation. Most fruits are high in simple sugar like fructose that is metabolized to fat in the liver. Eating large amounts of these goodies, especially those with high glycemic index like banana, dates, pineapples, mangoes and grapes, may raise blood sugar levels, provoke insulin and increase the chances of developing type-2 diabetes.
Nuts: Nuts have recently gained the reputation of super-foods. These tiny delights are known to have numerous health properties; they are packed with protein, fiber and healthy fats that offer more benefits than one. However, due to their high protein and fat content, over-indulging in them may not be a good idea. Moreover, avoid packaged nuts as they are loaded with sodium content that can be harmful for your health. Eat a mix of handful of nuts like almonds, walnuts, raisins and pistachios.
Water: You mus be heard that proper hydration is necessary for optimal health; however, drinking too much water can dilute the sodium levels in the body and further affect the functioning of the cells. Low sodium levels can trigger water to rush in the cells causing the brain to swell.
Eat right, in moderation and stay healthy!


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