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Showing posts with the label #antioxidants

Blog21: Glory Of Golden Milk

Haldi wala doodh was my biggest nightmare as a child.   I was forced to drink a glass of haldi doodh (turmeric milk/golden milk) every time I fell sick but with the   time I have learned how good this simple home remedy is to beat the everyday tiredness and anxiety. As you all know that  Turmeric   is the yellow spice used in Asian curries. It is obtained from the ginger-like rhizome of  Curcuma longa , a tropical herb from India. The well-researched anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties of turmeric make it worth including in your diet. Turmeric milk, traditionally used in Indian households for treating specific diseases as well as a tonic for general health. This drink is easy to prepare and highly palatable, the milk taking most of the spiciness out of turmeric. If that doesn’t convince you, the health benefits of this drink would. 1. Improve Digestion It is a powerful antiseptic that promotes intestinal health and treats stomach ulcers and colitis. This h

Blog18: Bitter Sweet Treat: Dark Chocolates

CHOCOLATES...OMG!! Whenever I think about chocolates  my taste buds get active and my saliva starts rolling. I guess it’s the same with everyone of us. From the time we start understanding our taste buds, chocolate is the most common food we crave for and this craving continues even as we age. People have different choices in chocolates such as milky, cadbury, liquor-filled chocolates, dark chocolate, candies, bars etc. But in all these Dark Chocolate is the most nutritious. In 100 grams bar, it contains 50-70% cocoa and 11 grams of fibre. It also has plenty of iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. However, one should consume it in moderation. Dark chocolate no longer has to be the forbidden fruit! Next time you indulge yourself to a piece of creamy dark chocolate, don’t feel so guilty. Researchers have found that this bittersweet treat is a tool for good health!     The latest studies, find that dark chocolate may decrease the risk of ca

Blog17: What Makes a Food a Superfood?

SUPERFOODS:  In the world of nutrition, the term superfood is commonly seen, used to describe foods with health benefits. Of the thousands of items to choose from, what exactly qualifies a food to be ‘super’? There’s no official scientific definition of a super food, but it’s generally accepted that superfoods contain high levels of much-needed vitamins and minerals. They can also be a source of antioxidants; substances that shield our bodies from cell damage and help prevent disease. While there are a number of common foods that provide these nutrients, below discuss some of the most well-known superfoods and the reasons as to why these foods get to claim the title. Blueberries : These fruits have the ability to lower blood pressure, reduce risk for cancer and heart disease, and have anti-inflammatory effects. They are full of antioxidants, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. When picking some up at the grocery store, go for the ones that are darker in color – they have more antioxidants! 

Blog16: Juicing: Good or Bad?

Fruit and vegetables should be an important part of your daily diet. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy. They can also help protect against many diseases.  Interestingly, a method called "juicing" has become increasingly popular in recent years.  This involves extracting the nutritious juices from fresh fruits and vegetables. Many people do this in order to " detox " or add more nutrients to their diets.  Some claims that juicing can improve nutrient absorption, while others say it strips away important nutrients like   fiber .  This is a detailed review of juicing and its health effects, both good and bad. Juicing can actually lose a lot of the good things we find in our fruits and veggies such as antioxidants and phytochemicals which are found in the skin of these foods that aren’t included in the juicing process. The effects of fiber found in these fruits and vegetables are lost as well. Fiber is cr

Blog14: Super Healthy "Herbs"

In this time when people are depending exceedingly on pills and advanced medicines to get rid of their ailments, Ayurveda – the traditional form of Indian medicine – seems to have been filling a subsidiary role. Ayurveda includes a vast collection of herbs within its rich tradition. However, there are some herbs that stand on their own as extraordinary treasures. You’ve likely heard about them. Perhaps you've even experimented with one or more from time to time. Their healing powers have become so legendary. Here is some of the superstar herbs: Aloe Vera : The healing herb of Aloe vera is actually a store house of multiple health giving assets and is primarily a wonderful natural digestive. Ayurveda therapeutic science recommends Aloe Vera for a number of digestion related maladies like acidity, excessive flatulence, indigestion, constipation, loss of hunger and piles. The uses of the herb of Aloe vera are immense. The fresh juice applied on the face can result into fairn

Blog11: Spoon of Spices

Spices    are not only some sources of seasoning the food but are also packed with solid healthy reasons to be included in your kitchen. There are many spices we use in our day to day cooking; these include popular ones like cumin, black pepper, turmeric and coriander seeds.  Here's a list of some spices, which you should start adding to your meals for healthy living: Black Peppe r : A pinch of black pepper when added to any recipe enhances the flavor manifold. Black pepper, also known as the king of spices, promotes weight loss, helps relieve cold and cough, improves digestion, boosts metabolism and treats many skin problems. In fact, a glass of haldi doodh becomes much more therapeutic with a pinch of black pepper.  Carom seeds : Ajwain is also known as carom seeds. Carom seeds are often chewed for medicinal purposes. Despite a partially bitter taste, ajwain or carom seeds provide a whole host of health benefits. Ajwain promotes digestion, cures stom

Blog8: Healthy Colours: Importance of fruits in your diet

Different colours indicate different nutrients. Try to get a little of each colour in your diet. So without any further delay let's get started. Red fruits such as pomegranate,watermelon and strawberries are rich in antioxidants, anthocyanins and lycopene. Green fruits like kiwi i t's also full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber. Orange and yellow fruits  are rich in beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, which improves your eye sight and keep your skin, teeth and bones healthy. Oranges are rich in vitamin C that helps to maintain weight, blood pressure, diabetes and also good for skin. White fruits like pineapples, apples, bananas and pears are high in dietary fibre, flavanoids and antioxidants. These fruits protect you against high cholesterol and lower the risk of stroke. Blue and purple fruits  like blueberries, jamun and falsa cont