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Blog58: Pre and Post Workout Foods

Do you exercise on an empty stomach? It won’t help you lose weight. Here’s what you should eat before, during and after the workout to lose the kilos in a sustained manner.
Exercising with a full stomach is not ideal therefore eating at the right time is important. Even an empty stomach can distract a person during workout. The major source of fuel for the body is carbohydrate therefore it is ideal to have something rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, one must have easily digestible carbohydrates that can help prevent the hunger during exercise and give you energy. Ensure that there is a gap of at least 20 minutes to half-an-hour between the meal and the exercise session.
Here’s a list of foods that are considered ideal to eat before a workout:
1. Peanut butter sandwich- Yes, you heard it right. But the trick here is to opt for whole wheat or multigrain bread for the sandwich. If you’re working out in the morning then have a brown bread peanut butter sandwich, since you have been fasting for the last eight to nine hours.
2. Oatmeal- Having oatmeal is great before your morning workouts, when you're running on an empty stomach and so you can’t have a meal a couple of hours before your workout. Oatmeal is known to settle well and also a great source of energy. If you add a dash of fruits or some nuts to your oatmeal, even better.
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3. Bananas- They contain sugar and starch that give energy to the body. They are very rich in carbohydrates. One medium-sized banana eaten about 45 minutes to an hour before your workout is generally enough to keep you going throughout your workout routine. It’s like adding fuel to the body. But each person should understand his body and own body needs.
Need to read: Why more veggies?
4. Protein shakes- Protein shakes are very popular among those who hit the gym. Protein is extremely important for overall development of the muscles, bones and even skin. A protein shake is good if you do not receive adequate amount from natural sources. For athletes and people doing regular workouts, it is fine to have a protein shake after a workout, but not every couple of hours.
Need to read: Eat more fibre
5. Energy bars- Eating a pre-exercise bar means you’ll have more reserves during a workout. Energy bars usually have carbs, which is what gives energy to the body. However, make sure your energy/granola bar has minimum amount of fat, proteins and fibre.
Need to read: Dark chocolates benefits
6. Curd- Curds or dahi contain calcium and proteins and a bit of natural sugar present in small quantities. Because it is easy on the stomach and the digestive system, it’s a great option to consume it before an intense workout. Adding some whole grain cereal, fruits or honey to yogurt will give you a quick energy boost.
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Post the workout session, you need to ensure that you consume proteins and carbohydrates to repair muscles, replenish glycogen stores and reduce post-workout DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness).
Here’s a list of foods that are considered ideal to eat after a workout:
1. Brown rice with chicken or boiled eggs/scrambled eggs- Brown rice is absorbed slowly and a good source of fibre and carbs while chicken is an ideal form of lean meat and protein. This combination is ideal for post workout. You would require about 200 to 300 calories hence, you can eat about one medium size bowl of brown rice (30 gm uncooked brown rice) with two pieces of chicken. You can add chickpeas for more protein or if you are vegetarian you can simply go for brown rice with chickpeas.
Need to read: Foods for energy
2. Fruits- Reward yourself with some fresh fruit of your choice and a protein shake within half an hour after your session. The carbohydrates from the fruit will help replenish glycogen stores and the protein will aid muscle recovery.
3. Protein shake or milk shake- All the hydration you need, plus nutrients to help you recover after a workout, you want ample protein combined with a carbohydrate. A protein shake or milk shake made from low fat milk, which is good source of protein and half a banana is a great choice, since your body quickly turns it into energy.
4. Lunch or dinner- Depending on the time of the day, a simple lunch or dinner consisting of dal, roti/chapati or curd rice within 30 minutes after your session. These will supply fast-acting carbohydrates, along with easily digestible proteins, that are important for post-workout recovery. Don’t forget to add salads.
Need to read: Healthy dinner tips
5. Hydrate yourself- Hydration is a key factor as a significant amount of water is lost through sweat during the workout. But drinking water immediately afterwards is not recommended, as it will cool the body instantly. You must slowly rebuild the water loss after a workout. About half a liter of water can be consumed 2 hours before the workout, 250ml of water can be taken during the warm-up period, and about 150-200ml every 20–30 minutes during the session. Once you have completed your workout, take 250ml of water within 30 minutes.
Here are some final pointers so you always get the most out of your workouts.
  • Do fuel with healthy pre-workout snacks to keep you energized.
  • Don’t overeat or eat complex foods before a workout because they’ll leave you feeling sluggish.
  • Do get enough sleep the night before a workout because it’ll help you recover faster.
  • Don’t deprive yourself of sleep because if you do, your mind will give up before your body.
  • Do nap if you need it — 15 minutes should be enough to feel rejuvenated.
  • Don’t nap more than 30 minutes because it could make you more tired than before.

  • Do some dynamic stretching to warm up and activate the right muscles.
  • Don’t do static stretches (i.e. holding positions for an extended period of time) as they can decrease your strength and lead to injuries.
  • Do fuel up on the supplements you usually take to reach your goals.
  • Don’t take a supplement you’ve never tried before as it might affect you mid-workout.
  • Do hydrate by drinking water to replenish the fluids you may have lost during a workout.
  • Don’t drink alcohol because it leads to dehydration and can affect your motor skills and coordination.
Remember, you can really set yourself up for success by fueling your body properly, hydrating with lots of water, and making sure that your body is well-rested. It won’t just allow your body to perform better, it will put you in a more positive mindset to tackle your workouts with and will motivate you to give it your all.
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Thank You!!


  1. such a useful blog dear ❤️❤️

  2. thank you so much I have been curious about since last one month......your blog really helps me a lot❤😘.....again tysm

  3. Your blogs helps me alot. �� Such a beautiful blog you write . As well as content is really good. Thank you..��

  4. Awesome Blog for the person who really don't understand what to eat before nd after workout.
    It really helps :-)
    Keep up ur gud work

    1. Thank you so much.. Do share with others also..😊


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