Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Its use begins thousands of years ago in China and gradually, thanks to its health benefits, it spread throughout the world. G reen tea has been used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine. Weight loss, cardiovascular benefits, cancer prevention and much more are heard around green tea. I am going to pinpoint some of the myths and facts about green tea, so when you are bragging about it to your friends and family, at least, you have the right information. #Myth 1:Green tea and black tea are extracted from different plants. Fact : T his myth doesn’t exactly have any impact on your health, but it doesn’t hurt to know the truth. Although green tea is high and mighty compared to the black tea, most people believe that green tea is never even in the shadow of black tea or any other kinds of tea for that matter. People believe every tea plant is different. In reality, there is only one plant...
Think Again What You Eat :)