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Showing posts with the label #cough. # immunity

Blog26: Why should we drink lemon water and honey first thing in the morning?

We all need a nice way to start a day.  Taking a step towards a healthy living, the most basic and easy step is to cultivate a habit of drinking lemon water and honey. The citrus lemon paired with honey does wonders to oneself after consuming it. It is energizing and awakening, one of the reasons why it’s suggested to drink in the morning. Benefits:-   It helps activate your digestive system Clears chest congestion Boosts immune system Cleanses intestine Detoxifies body Heals oral ulcers and helps with nausea Rejuvenates skin Regulates sugar absorption capacity in diabetic patients. Clears UTI. Balances the Ph level. Kills bacteria that causes bad breath. Helps in regulating blood pressure. Helps liver with purification. Keeps skin glowy and prevents acne. Boosts energy levels, keeps one hydrated and energized. The direct source of vitamin C. Helps in weight management. Honey Lemon Water: Helps in weight loss?? According to me, it is a myth th...