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Showing posts with the label #nationalnutritionmonth

Blog91: Desi Protein Powder "Sattu"

It's ironic but there are some foods off our radar because they are easily available and inexpensive. For some reason, health is now an expensive proposition. Or perhaps we expect that we need to pay a lot to be healthy. A case in point is expensive protein powders that we order online when the solution really lies in our backyards. Sattu, a flour made up of roasted Bengal gram (and sometimes a bit of barley), is available around the corner. It's considered "poor man's food" as it is popular among those who do manual labour. One of the biggest benefits of this wonderful food is that it makes you immensely robust. Eating sattu in breakfast gives you a boost of protein before you begin the day. Nutritional Background 60 grams (4 tbsp) of this roasted flour will give you 19.7 grams of high-quality protein along with – Calcium and magnesium (a fantastic combination as magnesium helps calcium get better absorbed into the body). This makes it excellen...