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Showing posts with the label #carbohydrate

Blog79: Ketogenic Diet a.k.a Keto Diet

K etogenic diet is has gained so much popularity for weight loss, it was initially created to treat epilepsy in children.  Dr. Walter was the one who first introduced ketogenic diet to the world in 1921 and he did so to treat children with epilepsy. Before the keto diet came into existence, fasting was being used as a powerful treatment for epilepsy.  When we fast (or starve), the brain forces our body to run on ketone bodies produced by the liver instead of glucose and this process is called ketosis. The increase of ketones (ketonemia) during fasting was found to be beneficial for epileptic children. Thus Dr. Walter created the keto diet as an alternative method to mimic the effect of fasting. What is Ketogenic Diet? The ketogenic diet is a type of low carb diet that focuses on eating high fat, moderate protein, and low carbs. The ketogenic diet also known as the keto diet is a way of eating where you actively help your body burn the excess fat that it has already store...

Blog67: Good Carbohydrates vs. Bad Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates  are important to fuel source for our body. Cells in our body rely on glucose to carry out their tasks. Nearly 45 to 65 % of our calories are made up of carbs. When daily carbohydrate needs are met, our body stores the extra carbs in the form of glycogen. This helps us stay without food for several hours and at the same time maintain the required blood sugar levels. It is very important to choose the right kind of carbs. Carbs from added sugar are harmful, and one should avoid it, on the other hand, carbs from fruits, vegetables, and other high-fiber sources are good for health. Now have a look at the glycaemic index, some good & bad sources of carbs. What is the glycaemic index? Carbohydrate is an essential part of our diets, but not all carbohydrate foods are equal.  The glycaemic index (GI) is a rating system for foods containing carbohydrates. It shows how quickly each food affects your blood sugar (glucose) level when that food is eaten...

Blog63: "Added Sugar" : tips to reduce intake of added sugar

Added  sugar can be found in even the most unexpected products.  From soda pop to fruit juices, candy bars to granola bars; there is sugar everywhere!  Added sugar not only add sweetness to foods, but manufacturers add them into products to serve various other functions: preservation, texture and mouth feel, volume, and rich colour resulting from caramelization. They can be found in: soda/pop drinks sweetened coffee or tea drinks  cocktails  energy or sport drinks fruit juice  many store bought cereals, soups, salad dressings, and oatmeal dairy-based desserts such as ice cream or pudding candies such as gummies or halloween candy commercially baked goods such as cookies, muffins, cakes etc. Why too much of sugar is bad for your health? Sugar consumption is a major cause of obesity and many chronic diseases, such as diabetes.  Here are some reasons why eating too much sugar is bad for your health: T ype 2 d...

Blog51: Nutritional Food List

There are 6 essential nutrients that are the basic requirement for proper functioning of Human body. Consumption of food rich with these nutrients in balance is primary requirement to maintain a healthy body. The importance of nutrients is much more than what is described. Carbohydrate: They fuel the body to work and are the source of energy Sources: Rice, Wheat grains, Vegetables Vitamins: They are major contributors for immunity that wards of disease Source: Fruits, vegetables, soy milk, meat Proteins : Muscles, skin, hair,hormones and much more vital substances are made up of proteins Sources: Egg, fish, meat, soy, nuts Essential Fats: Fats supports other nutrients and unsaturated fat are prime contributors of essential fatty acids Source: Nuts, oils from seeds and vegetables, fish, milk Minerals: They support the body and some examples are calcium, zinc, iron etc., Source: Lentils, Mushrooms, milk, yogurt Water : Majorit...