Olives are tiny, colourful, sour taste fruit but most of the time counted as a vegetable too. It's very healthy and have tremendous health benefits: 1. Weight management - It appears that monounsaturated fats, the kind found in olives, may encourage weight management. Olive oil consumption has been shown to breakdown fats inside fat cells, get rid of belly fat and reduce insulin insensitivity. 2. Cardiovascular benefits - Recent research studies have also shown that the monounsaturated fat found in olives (and olive oil) can help to decrease blood pressure. The oleic acid found in olives–once absorbed up into the body and transported to our cells–can change signaling patterns at a cell membrane level (specifically, altering G-protein associated cascades). These changes at a cell membrane level result in decreased blood pressure. "Olives reduce the effects of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, benign and malignant tumors , including less serious varicos...
Think Again What You Eat :)