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Blog48: HAPPY NEW YEAR: New Year Resolutions For A Healthier Year

It's   that time of the year again when we make resolutions for the New Year - health resolutions, financial resolutions, and behavioral resolutions and so on. Most of us aren't able to implement these for long, yet we resolve. We resolve because there is hope that we will. So let's keep it simple and uncomplicated. For simple is sustainable. Each of the following contributes immensely towards better health. 1. Eat small and frequent meals:  Skipping meals is not a good idea, whether it’s on purpose to “save calories” for a big dinner. “Skipping meals won’t make you lose weight—it’s just going to make you hungrier,” . Frequent meal gives you long-lasting energy and fullness, plus no hanger in sight.  Plan ahead for 3 main meals and at least 3 small mid-meals or snacks. Carrying your meals and snacks when you head out of home is smart, and NOT 'uncool'. 2. Drink enough water: Drink at least 8-10 glass of water daily. S taying hydrated is essential. ...