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Showing posts with the label #freshfruits

Blog39: Are you eating fruits in a wrong way?

It's natural! It's healthy! It's loaded with fiber and cancer-fighting antioxidants! Yes, fruit is good for you, but there are certain important factors that you should know before taking a bite. 90% of people eating fruits in wrong ways. Here are some common mistakes: 1. You're not eating the skin. 2. You're always drinking your fruit. 3. Eating fruit at night or after meals. 4. You're not buying seasonal fruits from local market; e.g., you are spending a lot on exotic fruits.  5. You think all fruits are equal but it is not true so me fruits are healthier than others. TIPS TO EATING FRUITS IN A RIGHT WAY When should I eat fruits? (6 am to 12 pm is considered as the best time) The best time to eat fruits is first thing in the morning after a glass of water. Eating fruits right after a meal is not a great idea, as it may not be digested properly. The nutrients may not be absorbed properly either. You need to leave a gap of at leas...

Blog20: World Food Day: October16

World Food Day  is celebrated every year across the world on 16 th  October. It’s an annual celebration in the honor of the founding date of the Food and Agriculture Organization launched by the United Nations in the year 1945. On this day, we look at  fuel-filled foods  and get ideas for quick and easy energizing snacks you can make yourself. 1.  WHOLE GRAINS have not been refined and contain all parts of the seed; including the bran, germ and endosperm. Whole grains contain more protein and fiber than refined grains, and are a primary source of energy for the body. They help slow the process of digestion and increase feelings of fullness during long days of work. 2. DARK CHOCOLATE is made from cocoa beans, the higher concentration of cocoa beans, the greater the nutritional benefit. If you are craving something sweet, a small piece of dark chocolate has been shown to improve mood and enhance brai...