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Showing posts with the label #sugar-syrup

Blog65: "A Guide To Sugar"-replacing refined sugar with natural sugar

INDIA  is the second largest producer and the largest consumer of sugar worldwide. If you are trying to decrease your intake of sugar, artificial sweeteners should not completely replace sugar. Artificial sugar 100 times sweeter than sugar, they can alter your sensitivity to sweetness, making you crave more sweet foods. Sugar is a sneaky little ingredient that's in a considerable amount of foods in many forms. Despite its delicious and innocent taste, sugar has addictive properties and is linked to a variety of preventable health conditions. Although it's easy to label all sugar as "bad", there are types that, when eaten in moderation, may have nutritional benefits. So if you are worried about your weight and want healthier alternatives to processed sugar, you might want to switch to the following natural sugar (3) . Before jump into replacing the refined sugar with natural sugar, let’s understand that what is refined sugar, artificial sugar, natural suga...

Blog7: Empty Calorie Beverages: Yes or No!

Empty calorie beverages or sweetened sodas generally provide no nutritional benefit at all. Even fruit-flavored sodas are full of empty calories. Diet sodas may contain fewer calories, but they still provide no nutritional benefit. These beverages are so popular these days, they are seen everywhere – in vending machines, grocery store and of course in your refrigerator too. When we’re watching what we eat, what we drink, sometimes we don’t think about it.  If we aren’t careful, a large amount of calories can come from the beverages we drink with meals or as snacks. The majority of these excess calories come in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages. Some beverages, such as fruit juices may already have naturally occurring sugar in them. But many more have added sugars in the form of corn syrup or other sweeteners. The added sugars have no nutritional value other than calories. There are many negative effects of these empty calorie beverages on our health. The consum...