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Showing posts with the label #chamomile

Blog56: Why Is My Stomach Bloated?

A lot of discomfort might be caused from stomach bloating, and it is a very unpleasant issue to deal with, therefore we must find what triggered it and treat it as quickly as possible because it can cause some other complications. The bloating is mostly a result of too much gas in our digestive tract, and it can cause a swelling, burping and flatulence, hard stomach and abdominal noises. Mostly the bloating is resolved after a few hours, but if you are dealing with this issue more commonly, then you definitely need to try to cure it naturally, and the right thing to do is, change some everyday habits. Most common reasons that can trigger bloating in your stomach: 1. Insufficient Water Intake The body dehydration can easily lead to poor body functions, therefore casing the appearance of gas in our digestive tract and bloating. When you consume foods that are high in fiber, make sure you drink a lot of water as well. 2. Gassy Foods There are some foods witch can c...

Blog14: Super Healthy "Herbs"

In this time when people are depending exceedingly on pills and advanced medicines to get rid of their ailments, Ayurveda – the traditional form of Indian medicine – seems to have been filling a subsidiary role. Ayurveda includes a vast collection of herbs within its rich tradition. However, there are some herbs that stand on their own as extraordinary treasures. You’ve likely heard about them. Perhaps you've even experimented with one or more from time to time. Their healing powers have become so legendary. Here is some of the superstar herbs: Aloe Vera : The healing herb of Aloe vera is actually a store house of multiple health giving assets and is primarily a wonderful natural digestive. Ayurveda therapeutic science recommends Aloe Vera for a number of digestion related maladies like acidity, excessive flatulence, indigestion, constipation, loss of hunger and piles. The uses of the herb of Aloe vera are immense. The fresh juice applied on the face can result into fairn...