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Blog53: Tips to Improve Your Digestive Health

In our modern life, digestive problems have become a part of our daily routine. Albeit often an inconvenient, painful or embarrassing one. Your digestive health is directly impacted by the foods you eat and the lifestyle you live. By taking steps to improve your digestive health, you'll help your digestive system to function more efficiently, improving your overall health and sense of well-being.

"As a dietitian I believe that real food (and a healthy lifestyle) is powerful medicine and that with just a few adjustments to what you eat, when you eat and how you eat you can noticeably improve your digestion."

If gas, bloating, heartburn, nausea, constipation or diarrhea are part of your everyday life, you’re not alone. Try these tips for better digestive health:

1. Consume a Balanced Diet

  • Choose a variety of foods from each food group, especially fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and grains as well as certain yogurts and fluids.
  • Whole fruits and vegetables gives you plenty amount of fibre, which helps you in digestion. Eat salad with meals and have fruit for dessert.
  • Add curd, yogurt and some fermented foods to your diet for proper digestion. 

Read also: What makes a food super food

2. Chew your food

Good digestion starts in the mouth. This is because breaking down your food mechanically is actually considered to be the first phase of digestion. The smaller the particles the easier the food travels down the esophagus. As you chew your food, saliva is released from glands in your mouth and which then begins the chemical digestion of the food before it even reaches your stomach. Additionally, the presence of saliva triggers the stomach to produce acid and its own digestive enzymes in preparation for the arrival of your meal.

3. Change your eating habits

  • Eat regular meals to help promote consistent bowel movements. Eat in a relaxed environment and focus on eating. Just eating. Turn off TV, Mobile phones also.
  • Try not to eat when you are upset or in a bad mood. Your brain and your digestive tract are interconnected so these feelings can impact the effectiveness of your digestive system.
  • Eat Small, More Frequent Meals. Aim for 4-5 small meals per day versus 2-3 large meals.
  • Try to eat at least 2-3 hours before you sleep.

Read also: Healthy dinner tips

4. Be good to your liver

You can heal your digestive system by supporting your liver to work efficiently and effectively. If your digestion can handle it, try to boost your intake of liver-loving foods by consuming carrots, beetroot and leafy greens in soups and freshly squeezed juices. 
Read also: How to clean your liver naturally

5. Fat, Fluid and fibre

  • It's important to get some fat in your diet, Adams says that pairing fatty foods with high-fiber foods can make them easier on your digestive system. Example of healthy fats: coconut, avocado, fatty fish, olive oil, healthy animal fats 
  • Fiber has the important role of helping to sweep all unused and unwanted digestion byproducts through the intestinal tract. Fiber truly is “nature’s broom” – it helps keep your insides nice and clean! Fiber-rich whole grain products, nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables are often good sources of fiber.
  • Fluids work with fiber to move things along. A diet high in foods like fruits and vegetables, which are both high in fiber and provide water, can help keep your stool soft and easy to pass. 

Read also: All about fibre

6. Detox your body regularly

A gentle detox on a regular basis can be a great way to reset your entire digestive system. Include  Lemon Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe-Vera Juice or Lukewarm Water in your detox regime, it may help with digestive issues. These days I am using apple cider vinegar drink  and it really works for me.

7. Turmeric milk 

This helps in better digestion and prevents ulcers, diarrhea and indigestion. As it helps in digestive health it also induce better sleep. It's my one of the favourite drink. :)

8. Manage your stress 

Stress can mess with your digestion! There are many ways to reduce stress and I recommend giving yourself permission to discover what kinds of relaxing activities work best for you. I found that gentle activities such as meditation, breathing, yoga, walking and naps really helped me to reduce my stress levels.

The "Take Away"

You are not alone.  We’ve all experienced digestive problems at one time or another. Some digestive issues are harder than others to troubleshoot and fix, but many of them can be fixed with some simple adjustments to how you eat, when you eat and of course, what you eat. Last but not the least do not forget to exercise, this helps a lot.

We can all use better digestion – tell me in the comments what small change you’re going to make right away to improve your digestion and start feeling amazing.

PS: If you guys want to know the best brand of apple cider vinegar, let me know in the comment section below ↓. I tried to write blog in different way. Hope you people like it.:)

Thank You!!


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