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Blog8: Healthy Colours: Importance of fruits in your diet

Different colours indicate different nutrients. Try to get a little of each colour in your diet. So without any further delay let's get started.
  • Red fruits such as pomegranate,watermelon and strawberries are rich in antioxidants, anthocyanins and lycopene.
  • Green fruits like kiwi it's also full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber.
  • Orange and yellow fruits are rich in beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, which improves your eye sight and keep your skin, teeth and bones healthy. Oranges are rich in vitamin C that helps to maintain weight, blood pressure, diabetes and also good for skin.
  • White fruits like pineapples, apples, bananas and pears are high in dietary fibre, flavanoids and antioxidants. These fruits protect you against high cholesterol and lower the risk of stroke.
  • Blue and purple fruits like blueberries, jamun and falsa contain anthocyanins and antioxidants that reduce the risk of CVD (cardiovascular disease). They also contain flavanoids and ellagic acid, compounds that have some ability to inhibit blood flow and retard the growth of cancer cells.


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