Lemongrass, a perennial, grows naturally in tropical and sunny climates. It requires nothing more than some sun, rich soil and plenty of water. It is scientifically termed as Cymbopogon and clad by other names such as barbed wire grass , silky heads and citronella grass . A perennial herb it can be dried, powdered or used as fresh. It is mostly used as a flavouring agent in teas, soups and dishes. The key chemical compound of lemongrass includes geraniol and citronellol which are potent antiseptics and used as natural disinfectants and soaps. Lemongrass essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy to alleviate stress and promote mood. Lemongrass tea promote healthy digestion and its consumed for its stomach-calming effects , including relief from cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea . Its relaxing aroma believed to reduce anxiety , ease muscle pain , joint pain , headaches and stomachaches . ...
Second Thought
Think Again What You Eat :)