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Blog108: Health Benefits of Lemongrass 🌱

Lemongrass, a perennial, grows naturally in tropical and sunny climates. It requires nothing
more than some sun, rich soil and plenty of water. It is scientifically termed as Cymbopogon and clad by other names such as barbed wire grass, silky heads and citronella grass. A perennial herb it can be dried, powdered or used as fresh. It is mostly used as a flavouring agent in teas, soups and dishes.
The key chemical compound of lemongrass includes geraniol and citronellol which are potent antiseptics and used as natural disinfectants and soaps. Lemongrass essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy to alleviate stress and promote mood. 
Lemongrass tea promote healthy digestion and its consumed for its stomach-calming effects, including relief from cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Its relaxing aroma believed to reduce anxiety, ease muscle pain, joint pain, headaches and stomachaches
As the name suggests, lemongrass has the fragrance of lemon but it is milder and sweeter in taste. It is often used in Thai and may other Asian cuisines for its potent flavour. It has been used in India for many years for medicinal purposes and there are plenty of benefits of lemongrass.
Health Benefits of Lemongrass Tea
  1. Good for Digestion: All problems start from the gut, sipping a hot cup of lemongrass tea helps in reducing bloating, stomach cramping, aids digestion and also prevents constipation.
  2. Helps in Detox: Lemongrass tea is your detox tea. It is packed with antioxidants that help in detoxing and cleansing you from within. It helps in removal of toxins from the body by relieving fluid retention.
  3. Treats Cold and Cough: Lemongrass has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that help you cope with cold, cough and flu. Plus, it is loaded with Vitamin C that strengthens your immunity. Boil some fresh lemongrass along with some cloves, a pinch of turmeric and tea leaves. This simple concoction is effective for breaking down mucus and phlegm build-up caused by congestion. A hot mix of lemongrass, holy basil leaves and cardamom is also a common Ayurvedic cure for cold.
  4. Control Blood Pressure: Lemongrass tea is an effective natural concoction for regulating high blood pressure. The goodness of potassium improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. It is also known to reduce cholesterol absorption, thereby lowering the risk of heart diseases and promotes overall health.
  5. Helps in Weight Management: It improves metabolism and assists in losing weight. The richness of poly-phenol compounds in lemongrass burns the fat and ups the energy expenditure. In addition, lemongrass tea works well as a natural diuretic which aids to shed excess fats and reduce weight.
  6. Promotes Skin and Hair Health: Lemongrass is a great source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C which are essential nutrients for beautiful skin and hair. By improving the blood circulation, it clears up your skin, treats oily textures and also works on treating eruptions like acne, pimples and eczema.
Simple method for preparing Lemongrass Tea: 
Add black or green tea leaves, add lemongrass, holy basil leaves, cardamom, grated ginger, boil it in water for 5-10 mins, then strain and enjoy your lemongrass tea. 
So, whether you are trying to lead a healthy life or are trying to find alternatives to your tea, in any case, lemongrass tea is the right choice for you. With so many nutrients and benefits present in it, it would not be wrong to say that lemongrass tea is a blessing indeed. So drink away because you are only a cup away from a better and healthier life. 
Thank You!


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    1. Thank you so much..🤩 Stay Connected and Visit YouTube Channel for More Informative Videos..🤩

  2. This article was informative and precise on benefits of lemon grass. It is also helpful for weight loss. There are many for ways to lose weight one of the way is eat breakfast like a king .


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