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Blog43: How To Avoid ‘Snaccidents’ At Work : Smart Ways To Eating At Work

A  guide to avoiding those ‘snack-accidents’ by establishing a healthy snacking plan for the work place. 1. Don’t Skip Breakfast I know you’ve probably heard this a thousand times before but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! ‘Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and provides necessary fuel and nutrients. Skipping breakfast is the fastest way to lose focus, energy and patience in that long mid-morning meeting’. There are plenty of quick and easy ideas and recipes you can follow for a protein-fuelled breakfast to keep you feeling full and satisfied until lunchtime. For example, you can choose to prepare some oats the night before or pack a couple of healthy cereal bars. 2. Home Cooked Foods Homemade food is always a better or to say the best option to have especially during office hours, than having foods from outside. This is not only economical and saves time but also making food in a clean environment with hygienic ingredients is alwa...


"सन्डे स्पेशल हिन्दी ब्लॉग"

सर्दी का लड्डू

सर्दियों में मौसम में हर रोज एक मुट्ठी नट्स खाने से आप खुद को दिनभर तरोताजा और एक्‍टिव महसूस करते हैं। नट्स में विशेष तौर पर बादाम, अखरोट, और खजूर का ज्यादा महत्व है। इनके अलावा आप तिल, गुड़, तिसी या अलसी का भी सेवन करके इनके लाभ उठा सकते है। सर्दी के मौसम में खासतौर पर इन सबको मिलाकर लड्‍डू बनाए जाते हैं, जो स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से बहुत ही फायदेमंद होते हैं। आइए जानते है सर्दियों में सेहत बनाने वाले लड्डू की सरल विधि। मेवे का लड्डू सामग्री: 1 कप काजू  1 कप बादाम 1 कप पिस्ता 1 कप मखाना 1 कप गरी का बारीक पिसा हुआ बूरा 1/4 कप किशमिश चिरोंजी  – 1/4 कप शक्कर बारीक पीसी हुई – 1 कप घी आवश्यकतानुसार दूध आवश्यकतानुसार विधि: सबसे पहले हम एक पैन गैस पर गर्म होने रखेंगे। फिर उसमे बादाम को हल्का सा भूनेंगे और इसे प्लेट में निकाल लेंगे। फिर मखाने को भूनेंगे। काजू और पिस्ता को भी इसी तरह भूनेंगे। इन सभी को ठंडा करके मिक्सर में थोड़ा दरदरा पीस लेंगे। अब एक पैन  में घी डालकर गर्म होने देंगे। अब इसमें पीसे हुए मेवे डालकर कलर ब...

Blog41: Tips To Stop Sugar Cravings

In  world of health and wellness, sugar cravings are one of the most subtle and challenging. Generally speaking, people get sugar cravings, act on it, and feel some guilt afterwards, only to repeat the whole cycle all over again. Sugar cravings have a way of getting to people at just the right time of the day, and while some people can make quick changes and overcome them, others need a bit more help. Here are 9 more useful tips to stop sugar cravings: THANK YOU!!

Blog40: All About Jaggery

Jaggery is rich in many vital vitamins and minerals, jaggery boosts immunity, keeps the body warm, helps treat cold and cough and controls the temperature of the body. This natural sweetener has been a great go-to ingredient in India since time immemorial. It is best consumed during the winter months because winter is the season of fresh jaggery.  Here are eight reasons you must include jaggery in your daily diet: 1. Jaggery is rich in iron and folate which help prevent anaemia by ensuring that a normal level of red blood cells is maintained. This is especially beneficial for pregnant women. It ensures that a normal level of red blood cells is maintained. Moreover, it provides instant energy to the body. 2. It prevents constipation by aiding digestion. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body, thus helps in proper digestion of food. That's why many people prefer eating jaggery after a meal. It acts as a detox, as it helps cleanse the liver by flushing out nasty ...