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Blog103: The miraculous Wood Apple (Bael Fruit)

Are you looking for a perfect hydrating recipe in this hot summer... So, here it is Wood Apple Juice aka Bael ka Sharbat. Bael is an amazing fruit and loaded with many nutrients. As the summer season is kicking in and Bael fruits are now available. It’s the ideal time to enjoy this yummy, refreshing drink to beat the heat and build your immunity at the same time. Before jumping to the recipe have a look at the background, health benefits, and some interesting facts of Bael Fruit.
Background of Bael Fruit:
Bael (Aegle marmelos) is an indigenous  fruit of India belongs to family Rutaceae and it is commonly known as Bengal quince, Bilva, Indian quince, Golden apple, Holy fruit, Belwa, Sriphal, Stone apple, Maredo, Bael, or Bel in  India.  Bael tree is held sacred by Hindus and offered in prayers of deities Lord Shiva and Parvati and thus the tree is also known by the name Shivaduma (The Tree of Shiva). The plant is native to India and Bangladesh and has naturalized throughout much of Southeast Asia. Bael fruit is a sub-tropical, deciduous tree, and fruit is rounded in shape with grey or yellowish hard woody shell. Inside this, there is soft yellow or orange coloured pulp with numerous seeds, which are densely covered with fibrous hairs and are embedded in a thick, gluey, aromatic pulp.
"Bael fruit is primarily composed of carbohydrates, with about 30 grams per 100 grams of the edible portion of fruit. Other than carbohydrates, the weight of Bael fruit comes mainly from water from (55%–62%). There is minimal fat in Bael fruit, with less than 1/2 gram per 100 grams. Bael fruit is low in protein. Out of 100 grams of fruit, there are between 1.8 and 2.6 grams of protein. Bael fruit has vitamin C, beta carotene, and some B-vitamins. It also provides some potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and iron."
Health & Nutritional Benefits of Bael:
1. Bael fruit is the powerhouse of Vitamin C and has Antioxidant that boosts immunity. It provides relief from the common cold, sinus, and during the monsoons, it helps in preventing infections due to bacteria and viruses.
2. It provides instant energy, boosts metabolism, and prevents dehydration on sunny days.
3. It is good for diabetic patients as it helps to manage blood sugar levels and induces the production of insulin in the body.
4. It is also effective in preventing chronic disease, lowering the levels of cholesterol and helps in maintaining high blood pressure.
5. Bael fruit also has an anti-inflammatory property which helps in reducing cardiovascular diseases.
6. It is also popular for laxative properties, helps in the treatment of constipation and other digestive problems such as indigestion, diarrhea. Bael fruit drink helps in cooling the body which prevents ulcers also.
7. It is a natural detoxifying agent that prevents kidney and liver dysfunction. It eliminates toxins from the body and helps in blood purification due to the high amount of potassium.
8. Bael fruit drink also beneficial for lactating mothers because it increases milk production and helps in fighting infections or allergies.
Here are some amazing facts of Bael Fruit:
  • It is one of the favourite foods of elephants and also called as elephant fruit.
  • It takes about 11 months to ripen on the tree and can reach the size of a small cantaloupe or some are even larger.
  • It has a reputation in India for being able to grow in places that other trees cannot.
  • The leaves, barks, roots, fruits, and seeds are used in traditional medicine to treat various illnesses.
Bael Fruit Drink Recipe:
Bael fruit is the queen of summer fruits. Bael Sharbat helps to keep you cool in summers and best of all it is so easy to make this drink.
  • Break the ripe Bael and extract the pulp to a bowl by using a spoon.
  • Add some water, sugar to extracted pulp and mix it well by hand. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for 15-30 min.
  • Now by using the strainer, strain all the seeds and unnecessary things. 
  • Serve it by adding some crushed ice cubes and enjoy you Bael ka Sharbat.
In this time of pandemic keep yourself hydrated, strong, and beat the heat with this summer drink. That's all for today. I hope you like the article. Take care. :)
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  1. यह बहुत अच्छा आपका ब्लॉग है। नमस्ते, मैं उसके बारे में भी कुछ सोच रहा था, लेकिन मैंने इसे इंटरनेट पर देखने का फैसला किया, फिर मुझे यह साइट मिली और मुझे यहाँ कुछ दिलचस्प वाक्य मिले, मुझे वास्तव में यह पसंद है कि आप इसे व्यक्त करें और इसे लिखने के लिए आपका शो।

  2. Very nice described. thank for sharing such nice info.

    The Miracle Of Bael Fruit

  3. मुझे आपका लिखना पसंद है। अच्छा काम!

  4. आपका ब्लॉग बहुत अच्छा है और मुझे यह बहुत पसंद है


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