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Blog93: Role of Cinnamon in PCOD/PCOS

Cinnamon comes from the bark of cinnamon trees. Cinnamon extract has been shown to have a positive effect on insulin resistance. Cinnamon also may regulate menstruation. Cinnamon, also known as “dalcheeni” in Hindi. Cinnamon is a commonly used spice, found to be a natural healer for various ailments. It provides pain relief and helps to treat infections because of its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
How Does Cinnamon Help With PCOS?
Cinnamon is greatly productive in dealing with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) mainly because it helps in reducing insulin resistance, which is believed to be the major cause of PCOS. 
It also lowers down the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients. Women with PCOS is comparatively more prone to developing diabetes and high blood sugar levels due to insulin dysfunction. Cinnamon balances the insulin levels and thus, lowers blood sugar and the pressure; and facilitates speedy weight loss. A cinnamon rich diet will also reduce the risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases.
If mixed in lukewarm water and consumed regularly, cinnamon can repress appetite and food cravings, which helps women dealing with PCOS to cope with obesity. Cinnamon is also an amazing source of calcium, manganese and dietary fiber.
Cinnamon boosts phosphorylation of insulin receptors which improves insulin function and sensitivity. A diet rich in cinnamon helps in revamping the menstrual cycle and also helps during pregnancy or by increasing fertility at the time of conception.

Tips To Include Cinnamon in Your Diet
Cinnamon is a spice that is used by various cuisines of the world. Both western and oriental cuisines make generous use of this wonder spice. Cinnamon comes in mainly two varieties: Ceylon and the Chinese cinnamon. The Ceylon variety has a sweeter taste and stronger aroma.  For PCOS, it is recommended to use Ceylon cinnamon.

Here are a few tips to spice up your food with cinnamon:
  1. Cinnamon tea: Start your morning with a cup of cinnamon tea. You could choose the kind of tea as per your taste. Cinnamon can be added to both milk tea and black tea. Try to have it without sugar as it could reduce the effectiveness of cinnamon.
  2. Cinnamon powder: Sprinkle some cinnamon powder on your yogurt, smoothies, and shakes. Cinnamon is a versatile spice that adds flavor to everything from curries to desserts. You can sprinkle some cinnamon powder in your smoothies and shakes and have a cool and refreshing drink after a workout session. Seasoning your fruit salad with cinnamon is also a good way to include this spice in your daily diet. The sweet aroma of cinnamon will complement the flavors of different fruit. If you wish to sweeten your salad, add honey instead of sugar to cope with the demands of PCOS.
  3. Honey cinnamon and lemon water: Drinking a concoction of lemon, cinnamon, and honey in boiling water can help you in losing weight and reduce the effects of PCOS. To make this beneficial drink, boil a glass of water with a stick of cinnamon. Then add a spoon full of honey and a few drops of lemon. It is advisable to have this drink on an empty stomach in the morning.
  4. Can simply mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass lukewarm water and drink an empty stomach. 
So, include cinnamon in your diet if you have PCOS. Since it does not have any side effects, a teaspoon of dry cinnamon twice a day should pose no harm. It can also be consumed with water or in baked products like muffins. Even if you are taking medicines or other supplements, cinnamon is a safe choice. An overdose, however, might lead to hypoglycemia, so do not consume more than 1-2 teaspoons a day.

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