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Blog56: Why Is My Stomach Bloated?

A lot of discomfort might be caused from stomach bloating, and it is a very unpleasant issue to deal with, therefore we must find what triggered it and treat it as quickly as possible because it can cause some other complications.
The bloating is mostly a result of too much gas in our digestive tract, and it can cause a swelling, burping and flatulence, hard stomach and abdominal noises.
Mostly the bloating is resolved after a few hours, but if you are dealing with this issue more commonly, then you definitely need to try to cure it naturally, and the right thing to do is, change some everyday habits.

Most common reasons that can trigger bloating in your stomach:

1. Insufficient Water Intake
The body dehydration can easily lead to poor body functions, therefore casing the appearance of gas in our digestive tract and bloating. When you consume foods that are high in fiber, make sure you drink a lot of water as well.

2. Gassy Foods
There are some foods witch can cause bloating and excessive gas, because it is too hard for our digestive system to digest them. Foods like cruciferous veggies (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), beans and some other veggies and fruits. If you are suffering from bloating more commonly, try consuming these foods moderately.

3. You Eat Too Fast or Too Much
Eating more than your stomach can handle, your stomach will start to grow and stretch, therefore leading to gas accumulation because the food you consumed needs to be digested. And this will not make you feel comfortable, it will only make you feel unpleasant in the area of your abdomen.

4. Dairy Products
Some people are not aware of it, but the might be intolerant to lactose, therefore the greatest reason for the bloating they experience might be the dairy products they are consuming.

5. Use of Artificial Sweeteners
Many people have replaced sugar with artificial sweeteners only to reduce the intake of sugar, but most of these sweeteners are not absorbed easy as you think and that might cause pain, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence.

6. You Swallow Air
Consuming fizzy drinks and sodas, chewing gums and using straws regularly, or even sucking a hard candy can cause the accumulation of air in your abdomen.

7. Stress
Many physiological changes might be made, due to anxiety or stress. The digestive process might become less efficient, because when we are under stress blood is diverted from our digestive system to other parts of our body.

8. The Use of Some Medications
A lot of nonprescription or even prescription medicines can cause side effects, especially bloating. These medications can be diarrhea drugs, painkillers, aspirin, antacids, multivitamins, fiber supplements, and iron pills.
Increase the intake and consumption of these foods if you want to fight against the bloating naturally:
Bananas- They a re a rich source of potassium, which means they can relieve from bloating.
Oats- They can relieve from bloating and constipation since they are able to bulk up your stool.

Yogurt- It is a rich source of probiotics, and it is able to support our digestive system.

Ginger- It can improve the blood flow and thin the blood, because it is a very strong carminative (a drug that relieves flatulence).

Apple Cider Vinegar- Consume a mixture of a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of ACV if you want to relieve or prevent from bloating.

Lemon Water- It supports the digestive system and prevents from water retention.

Watermelon- It is very high in potassium and it is also a natural diuretic.

Avocado- Since it is very rich in lipase, a digestive enzyme, it is able to prevent from bloating and gas, and break down fat as well.

Papaya- Many compounds are contained in this fruit that are able to fight against bloating, like papin, which is a protein digesting enzyme.

Pineapple- There is a lot of bromelain contained in this fruit, an enzyme that supports our digestive system.

Asparagus- It is able to eliminate excess water from our body and and prevent or relieve from stomach bloating, due to its powerful probiotic properties.

Herbal Teas- They can prevent from digestive issues, and support our digestive system.
Fight against stomach bloating with the most powerful, natural herbs:

  • Chamomile- It is able to treat nausea, bloating, gas, headaches, heartburn, and stomach cramps.
  • Dandelion Leaf and Root- They are offering mild laxative properties and are supporting our digestion.
  • Peppermint- it treats the discomfort, relieves from gas, relieves from irritable bowel syndrome and calms digestive spasms as well.
  • Fennel Seeds- Soothes stomach cramps, treats bloating and indigestion and prevents flatulence too.

Yellow Dock-
 It acts as a mild laxative and it is stimulating the bile production, it is also able to improve the function of our liver and digestion as well.

With these above tips you will be able to improve your digestive function, soothe pain, boost your overall health and reduce stress as well.

Thank You!!


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