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"सन्डे स्पेशल हिन्दी ब्लॉग"

पेट को स्वस्थ रखने के उपाय

"अगर किसी व्यक्ति का पेट सही है यानि कि उसकी पाचन क्रिया सही है तो यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि वह पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ है।"  पेट की ज्यादातर समस्याएं आपके खान-पान से जुड़ी होती हैं। पेट में गैस बनना, कब्ज, एसिडिटी, हार्ट बर्न, पेट दर्द, छाल आदि सभी का कारण आपके खान-पान की गड़बड़ी है। खास बात ये है कि शरीर की बाकी दूसरी समस्याओं का कारण आपके पेट की समस्या होती है। इसलिए अगर आपका पेट स्वस्थ है, तो आपका स्वास्थ्य भी अच्छा होता है। अगर आप भी भोजन को ठीक से नहीं पचा पाते हैं, बार-बार पेट में गैस बनती है या शौच में आधा-एक घंटा लगाने के बाद भी पेट साफ नहीं होता है, तो सावधान हो जाएं। आइए जानते है कुछ आसान तरीके जिनसे पेट की हर समस्या से छुटकारा मिल जाएगा- 1.  रोज सुबह उठकर एक गिलास  गुनगुना पानी   पीना चाहिए। इससे कब्ज़ की समस्या दूर होती है। 2.  प्रतिदिन अपनी डाइट में  मौसमी  फल और सब्जियों को जरूर शामिल करें। कोशिश करें कि ऐसी फल और सब्जियां खाएं जिनमें फाइबर की मात्रा अधिक हो। 3.  आहार में  सब्जियों  को करें शामिल। सब...

Blog23: Vitamin & Minerals For Your Nervous System

The health of your nervous system is vital for maintaining all your body’s functions and avoiding a range of potentially serious health problems. But if you’re not getting a sufficient amount of the nutrients needed for good nervous system health, you can experience such as numbness, nervous twitches or even muscle cramps. Fortunately, one of the easiest things you can do to help ensure a healthy nervous system is to eat the right kinds of foods. Here’s a quick overview of several nutrients that play a key role in keeping your nervous system healthy and working the way it should. 1. Vitamin B1: It keeps the nervous system healthy and is used in the biosynthesis of a number of cell constituents. It also aids memory and learning. Good sources of vitamin B1 include rice bran, wheat germ, whole wheat flour, barley, maize (dry), eggs, cow's milk (skimmed, whole), khoa. 2. Vitamin B12: It is needed for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. It improves conce...

Blog22: A quick guide to Iron

Iron  is an essential mineral. "The major reason we need it is that it helps to transport oxygen throughout the body."  Iron is an important component of   hemoglobin , the substance in red   blood cells   that carries oxygen from your   lungs   to transport it throughout your body. Hemoglobin represents about two-thirds of the body’s iron. If you don't have enough iron, your body can't make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red   blood cells . A lack of red blood cells is called   iron deficiency anemia . IRON DEFICIENCY IS COMMON Iron deficiency is a common health problem. High-risk groups include menstruating women, pregnant and lactating women, babies and toddlers, teenage girls and female athletes. Without intervention, a person whose dietary intake of iron is inadequate to meet their body’s needs will eventually deplete their iron stores and develop iron deficiency anaemia. It is important that you see your doctor if you suspe...

Blog21: Glory Of Golden Milk

Haldi wala doodh was my biggest nightmare as a child.   I was forced to drink a glass of haldi doodh (turmeric milk/golden milk) every time I fell sick but with the   time I have learned how good this simple home remedy is to beat the everyday tiredness and anxiety. As you all know that  Turmeric   is the yellow spice used in Asian curries. It is obtained from the ginger-like rhizome of  Curcuma longa , a tropical herb from India. The well-researched anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties of turmeric make it worth including in your diet. Turmeric milk, traditionally used in Indian households for treating specific diseases as well as a tonic for general health. This drink is easy to prepare and highly palatable, the milk taking most of the spiciness out of turmeric. If that doesn’t convince you, the health benefits of this drink would. 1. Improve Digestion It is a powerful antiseptic that promotes intestinal health and treats stoma...